TAKE 5: Take 1 - 2021
We ask different people the same 5 question around a certain topic to get their take.
Take 1 - 2021
We're now a month into this new year. By now most of us our getting into the grove of things or not. We decided to ask to of our friends Kris and Gabriel who you saw in our Archive Campaign. how they plan to handle 2021. Here's their Take 5
Gabriel - @Sgebriel8
Gabriel is a chill dude. He is a supporter of all things beautiful and authentic. He is a loyal Man U supporter and a lover of the beautiful game. He lives in Toronto and is happy to call the city his home.
Do you believe in "New Year New Me" or is it all the same to you?
It's a bit of both. I like to use the New Year to frame some reflection and aspirations moving forward, while not losing sight that meaningful change comes from marginal gains you make from consistent and purposeful effort coupled with luck.
What is one thing you did in 2020 that you want to continue in 2021?
Adapting as needed.
What's one thing you plan to start doing in 2021?
Making a bucket list!
What do you plan to stop doing in 2021?
Wearing hoodies and sweatpants everyday haha
Finish this sentence “On December 31 2021 I _____"?
Kris - @_krisstoefur
Do you believe in "New Year New Me" or is it all the same to you?
I don’t believe in “New year, New me” cause if you really want to change bad enough, I believe you’ll do it right then and there.
What is one thing you did in 2020 that you want to continue in 2021?
The one thing I’d like to continue in 2021 is probably being motivated when I’m in a slump whether that be photography related or just in life in general
What's one thing you plan to start doing in 2021?
I’d say learning to use my time more efficiently. Like if I find myself sitting on the couch too long playing videos games or watching a movie. I’d pick up a book and learn maybe a new language or do a couple sit-ups since I’ve been prolonging losing my dad bod
What do you plan to stop doing in 2021?
I’d probably say not worry so much about the little things. I tend to over think the smallest things that go wrong and it definitely never works out in my favour.
Finish this sentence "On December 31 2021 I ____"
will have set myself up to own my own photography studio